Sylvia Sivanesan
Relationship & Family CounsellorSylvia is a premium member of Holistic Therapists Australia. Sylvia's extensive experience as a counsellor spans 17 years of working with clients, community-based practitioners, and organizations in various settings such as private practice, government agencies, and community-based family services in both Singapore and Australia. Her dedicated work has centred around restoring hope, building resilience, and empowering clients to take charge of their lives.
Sylvia's expertise lies in helping individuals, couples, and families overcome relationship challenges. With a wealth of experience in supporting adults from diverse backgrounds, Sylvia creates a safe and accepting space for clients to develop meaningful connections. She specialises in working with adult clients who have faced adverse childhood experiences that affect their relationships in adulthood, providing guidance and support for healing and growth.
In the last 10 years, Sylvia has also served in leadership roles in not-for-profit community-based therapeutic services, and provided clinical supervision, training and mentoring of therapists and social workers in the areas of community mental health, addiction and family violence.
Sylvia’s commitment, care, and strength-focused approach to therapy has been influenced by the Satir Transformational Systemic Therapy. With the belief that everyone has the ability to grow and transform, Sylvia works closely with her clients to build upon their strengths, supporting them in creating a meaningful life while effectively managing challenges.
Areas of Specialisation
- Couple’s counselling
- Cross-cultural and interfaith relationships
- Healing and growth from childhood trauma
- Divorce and separation
- Co-parenting in blended families
- Healing from past relationships
- Gender, sex and relationship diversity
- Integrating personal spiritual belief in therapy
Relevant Specialised Training
- Master of Social Sciences (Counselling)
- Bachelor of Psychology
- EMDR Levels 1 & 2
- Certification in Satir Transformational Systemic Therapy
- Level 2 - Satir Transformational Systemic Therapy: Working with Couples
- Level 3 - Healing from Trauma using Satir Transformational Systemic Therapy
- Clinical Supervision within an Attachment Theory Framework