Individual Therapy
Our fees vary depending on the experience and level of qualifications. All psychologists and counsellors-in-training practice under supervision.
Initial Consultation:
Senior consultant (1hr): $240
Psychologist/Counsellor (1hr): $220
Psychologist/Counsellor-in-training (1hr): $90
Subsequent Consultations:
Senior consultant (50min): $220
Psychologist/Counsellor: $200
Psychologist/Counsellor-in-training (50 mins): $70
Marriage/Couples Counselling
Per session (1hr): $240
Psychological Assessments
Please contact us for the estimate as the total will vary depending on the number and type of tests.
No Show & Last Minute Cancellations
We are understanding of family emergencies and unpredictable circumstances. A full session charge will however be applied to no-shows and cancellation of sessions less that 24 hours of your appointment time without valid reason.